Vyloučení odpovědnosti | BITsports

Vyloučení odpovědnosti

All information provided on the https://bitsports.team/ is intended exclusively for the study of topics related to trading exchange and does not in any way serve as specific investment or business recommendations. The https://bitmarkets.team/ project is not a registered broker or investment firm. The mentioned specific financial products, mostly cryptocurrencies but not excluding commodities or shares, are always and only for the purpose of studying trading on the exchange. The provider is not responsible for specific decisions of individual users. Trading and investing with financial instruments (and cryptocurrencies in particular) is highly risky. The decision to trade in the financial markets is the responsibility of each individual, and he alone bears full responsibility for his decisions. The presented returns of the strategies are not a guarantee of future returns. Do not trade on the stock market if you are not properly familiar with a specific financial instrument.